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Can one woman save a country? TWICE?
Can she do it as a lady musketeer and fencer in 17th-century France, AND can she and the musketeers grant a hero's final wish?

kat jaske

Can she do it as a lady musketeer and fencer in 17th-century France, and can she and the musketeers grant a hero's final wish?

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For Honor - Book One

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For Love of a Queen

by Kat Jaske

Queen Anne of 17th-century France has been kidnapped. Can Laurel and the musketeers find and rescue her without telling King Louis XIII? And what happens to the musketeers and France if they fail?

Section Two Excerpt


The man remained crouching, completely concealed behind the trees, unmoving, waiting with patience until the musketeers and their injured companion had disappeared.

Unfortunately, he’d been unable to hear their conversation about the injured member of their party. All he knew was that the musketeer called Porthos had called the lad Christophe and that the boy had not been killed or injured too severely in his nasty fall.

When the sound of the horses faded and the meadow was once again still, he pushed himself up from his stomach and checked each of the motionless bodies.

All four of the mercenaries he’d hired were dead, so he reclaimed the funds that he had paid them. It was only fair. They had not successfully discharged their duty, and somehow the musketeers had discovered they were being followed, so they weren’t as good as they had boasted either. The Prussian surveyed the meadow one more time and then ducked back into the trees, stepping over jutting branches and sidestepping rocks as he traced his way farther into the trees.

He hiked for a while until he came upon the location where he had lashed his horse. The animal was still there and showing signs of restiveness, pawing the ground in an expression of its anxiousness to be gone.

Could hardly blame the mare; he was anxious to be gone himself. In addition, he needed to get to Brandenburg-Prussia and Friedrich swiftly. Obviously, the musketeers and their two companions were heading for Brandenburg-Prussia in an attempt to rescue the queen of France.

He unlashed the horse and mounted the animal, slowly guiding her from the sheltering forest and toward the open road.

Time to be sure that he arrived in Brandenburg-Prussia, well before the rescue party. It helped that they had an injured member, and there were still the other mercenaries that had followed the other half of the party after they had split up. Thus, it was quite possible that injuries or death would strike those other three and impede their task further. . . .

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Eiffel tower in Paris, France



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  • "Best stories and best written books I have read in several years."
    Mark Myers - storyteller - Ohio
  • "Kat's really good at creating characters you care about almost instantly." - Hillary Campbell
  • "Absolutely loved it! Your books are some of the most well-written that I have read. Your ability to maintain complex plots and provide a true flavor of Europe is amazing. Your character development is outstanding." - Linda Lipsitt
  • "I enjoyed it so much I read it twice." - Joe Sinnapan
  • "What a compelling story."
    Dave Keeler
  • "The stories are movie-material in my opinion, and that is a compliment.' - Michiel Brongers
  • Selected by Las Vegas Green Valley High School for 2006 Reading Incentive Program

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Righting Time
Book Three of BY HONOR BOUND
by Kat Jaske

What if Jala really is from the future and the fate of her future does depend on convincing Laurel and the 17th-century musketeers of that truth? Read Excerpts ->>>